The savings which are held by the Crouch Bursary Fund were generated by the sale and royalties from the 5 editions of the book “Occupational Therapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health”.

The editors and publishers are as follows:

1st Edition, Editor Rosemary B Crouch, published by the University of Witwatersrand 1989

2nd Edition, Editor Rosemary B Crouch, published by the Life Healthcare Group, Johannesburg, in 1992

3rd Edition, Editors Rosemary Crouch and Vivyan Alers, published by Maskew, Miller and Longman in 1997

4th Edition, Editors Rosemary Crouch and Vivyan Alers, published by Whurr Publishers in 2005.

5th Edition, Editors Rosemary Crouch and Vivyan Alers, published by Wiley Blackwell, London in 2014


The 4th Edition of this book is directed at a broader, international, professional occupational therapy readership and has undergone major revision and updating.

In this edition international models of occupational therapy, including a South African model, support the various practical applications of occupational therapy in the various areas of occupational therapy in psychiatry and mental health.

In the past, this publication has catered well for occupational therapists in training, and those that are newly qualified and has been an unprecedented success. It has been used as a text  book in all University-based training centres for occupational therapy in South Africa.

More than 8000 copies have been sold in South Africa alone.

The content is proudly presented as being South African-based, yet very applicable to other areas of the world. The standard of occupational therapy in the psychiatric and mental health field in South Africa is high, and comparable to both Western and Eastern countries of the world, both at a hospital and community, grass-roots level.

Cultural issues and the contribution of the occupational therapy auxiliary are also included in this edition.

It is in paperback and is sold in South Africa through Van Schaiks Bookstore and other medical book outlets.

ISBN: 1 86156 420 1



In 2009 the Crouch Bursary Fund was approached by OTARG to provide seed money for the publication of the book 

Occupational Therapy: An African perspective, edited by Vivyan Alers and Rosemary Crouch 

and published by Sarah Shorten Publishers, Johannesburg in 2010.

The book has been such a success that the seed money has been repaid to the Crouch Bursary Fund

and money from the sale of the book is now held by OTARG 

for occupational therapist applicants to apply for funding to the next OTARG Congress in Africa.


Edited by Vivyan M. Alers, MSc Occupational Therapy and Rosemary B. Crouch, PhD Occupational Therapy.

This book is a combination of professional ideas exclusively from occupational therapists with first hand knowledge and experience of the profession of occupational therapy as it is carried out in some parts of Africa. Representation is from occupational therapists from Malawi, Mauritius, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Uganda. Vivyan Alers and Rosemary Crouch took on the task of editing this booking early in 2009 and the final concept was consolidated at the OTARG Congress in Malawi in September 2009. The authors of chapters have been excellent in the delivery of their chapters in quite a short time and have cooperated greatly with the editors.

The book is the brain-child of the Occupational Therapy Africa Regional Group (OTARG) which is a Regional Group of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT). The idea of producing a book of this nature has been on OTARG’s agenda for many years and is now a reality. The subject matter is basic and down to earth and is intended for occupational therapy students, occupational therapists who are new to the shores of Africa, and for professional who are interested in what an occupational therapist “actually does.” This book will tell you in detail!

It is important to note that the content of the book may be applicable to many other areas of the world, particularly where there are marginalised and impoverished communities.

This book has been funded by the Crouch Bursary Fund which has provided the seed money for this publication. All profits will accrue to OTARG in order to sponsor worthy candidates to OTARG events.

Chapters in the book are as follows:

  1. Voices of occupational therapists in Africa – Kate Sherry
  2. The relationship between culture and occupation in Africa – Rosemary Crouch
  3. Culture and cultural competence for occupational therapists in Africa – Kate Sherry
  4. Working together to change lives through a multi-disciplinary approach to occupational therapy – Kathryn Bowler.
  5. The impact of poverty on the service delivery of occupational therapy in Africa – Rosemary Crouch.
  6. Thinking in practice – Jennifer Creek
  7. Fabrication and production of low cost aids and adapted equipment – Fiona Kingsley.
  8. Occupational Therapy in mentally and physically challenged children – a model for East Africa based on the Tanzania experience – Herma Grossman and Brenda Ephraim Shuma.
  9. Forensic occupational therapy in Africa for women and children – Eckiwe Kamanga and Julie Schurgers.
  10.  Children with developmental delay – Titi Titus Mwanjabe.
  11. Early childhood intervention in South Africa: minimising the impact of disabilities.
  12.  HIV, occupational performance and the role of occupational therapy – Kate Sherry and Inmaculada Zango Martin.
  13. Occupational Therapy in palliative care in an African Setting – Sarah Matovu
  14. Working with trauma survivors. From victim to trauma survivor to thriver – Vivyan Alers.
  15. Psychiatry and mental health in Africa: The vital role of occupational therapy – Annah Lesunyane.
  16. Development of a CBR programme and the role of occupational therapy – Judith van der Veen.
  17. Developing services where there was no previous infra-structure – Christa Meyer.
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